Hi Shawn,

I understand that we do not need to modify the core.properties and use the
APIs to create core and collection and that is what I am doing now.
This question of naming the core as per the choice comes from our older
setup where we have 12 shards, a collection and core both named the same
and the core were discovered by core.properties with entries as mentioned
in my previous mail.

Thanks for the responses. I will continue with the new collection and core
created by the APIs and test our indexing and queries.


On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 12:58 PM Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 11/4/2020 9:32 PM, Modassar Ather wrote:
> > Another thing: how can I control the core naming? I want the core name to
> > be *mycore* instead of *mycore**_shard1_replica_n1*/*mycore*
> > *_shard2_replica_n2*.
> > I tried setting it using property.name=*mycore* but it did not work.
> > What can I do to achieve this? I am not able to find any config option.
> Why would you need to this or even want to?  It sounds to me like an XY
> problem.
> http://xyproblem.info/
> > I understand the core.properties file is required for core discovery but
> > when this file is present under a subdirectory of SOLR_HOME I see it not
> > getting loaded and not available in Solr dashboard.
> You should not be trying to manipulate core.properties files yourself.
> This is especially discouraged when Solr is running in cloud mode.
> When you're in cloud mode, the collection information in zookeeper will
> always be consulted during core discovery.  If the found core is NOT
> described in zookeeper, it will not be loaded.  And in any recent Solr
> version when running in cloud mode, a core that is not referenced in ZK
> will be entirely deleted.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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