Dear All,

After the release of Solr 8.7.0 I want to test the new version on my
notebook. It has the following specifications: Windows 10 64-bit, 16 GB
RAM, Amazon Corretto 11 64-bit, 50 GB free disk space. I downloaded and unzipped it into a local folder. In order to start
Solr in cloud mode and to use the Blob Store API, I start it with the
following command:

C:\Users\...\SolrCloud\solr-8.7.0\bin>solr start -cloud

So far everything works fine, I am able to access the Solr GUI via
http://localhost:8983/solr and the JVM Memory usage is about 200 MB.

Since the configset, which I want to load to Solr, requires a big jar
file with synonym files and commons-lang-2.6.jar, I created a folder
C:\Users\...\SolrCloud\solr-8.7.0\server\solr\lib where I copied these
two jar files into. Now I uploaded the configset to ZooKeeper using the
following command:

solr zk upconfig -d ... -z localhost:9983 -n ...

Now I create the collection via the Solr GUI. In earlier Solr versions,
JVM Memory usage was increased for a few seconds after creating the
collection and then it decreased and no Java errors occurred. But with
Solr 8.7.0, Solr uses the entire JVM Memory which it has by default (512
MB), the browser hangs up, my notebook becomes extremely slow and in the
Windows command line I am getting a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. My first
thought was that 512 MB JVM Memory might be too little, so I stopped
Solr, activated the "set SOLR_JAVA_MEM" line in the bin\
file, set -Xmx to 1024m and restarted Solr. But Solr again claimed the
entire JVM Memory. I increased -Xmx again to 1024m, but that did not
help either.

>From the CHANGES.txt I learned that Circuit Breaker Infrastructure and a
JVM heap usage memory tracking circuit breaker implementation was
introduced with Solr 8.7.0. I am not using a Circuit Breaker in my
solrconfig.xml. Is it possible that the issue described above is because
I am not using a Circuit Breaker? If this is not the case, has there
anything else changed from Solr 8.6.3 to Solr 8.7.0 that might cause
this issue? Or is there a problem with Solr and Windows 10 or Amazon

As I already said, the procedure described above worked well for the
Solr versions since Solr 6.6.1, without java.lang.OutOfMemoryError after
creating the collection.

Best regards,
Thomas Heldmann

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