This feels like basic faceting on category, but you are trying to make
a latest record, rather than count as a sorting/grouping principle.

How about using JSON Facets?
I would do the first level as range facet and do your dates at
whatever granularity (say 1 week?) and then second level category

Let us know if it works. It is an interesting question.


On Fri, 5 Feb 2021 at 08:18, Hullegård, Jimi
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Say we have a bunch of documents in Solr, and each document has a multi value 
> field "category". Now I would like to get the N most recently used 
> categories, ordered so that the most recently used category comes first and 
> then in falling order.
> My simplistic solution to this would be:
> 1. Perform a search for all documents with at least one category set, sorted 
> by last modified date
> 2. Iterate over the search results, extracting the categories used, and add 
> them to a list
> 3. If we have N number of categories, stop iterating the results
> 4. If there isn't enough categories, go to the next page in the search 
> results and start over at step 2 above, until N categories are found or no 
> more search results
> But this doesn't seem very efficient. Especially if there are lots of 
> documents, and N is a high number and/or only a handful of categories are 
> used most of the time, since it could mean one has to look through a whole 
> lot of documents before having enough categories. Worst case scenario: N is 
> higher than the total number of unique categories used, in which case one 
> would iterate over every single document that has a category.
> Is there a way one can construct some special query to solr to get this data 
> in a more efficient way?
> Regards
> /Jimi
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