Ah, I never thought about grouping on date ranges, and nesting the faceting 
like that. Interesting! I managed to do a quick test query that seems to give 
me what I want:

    "query": "*:*",
    "filter": "+category:* +modified:[NOW/DAY-60DAYS TO *]",
    "limit": 0,
    "facet": {
        "ranges": {
            "type": "range",
            "field": "modified",
            "start": "NOW/DAY-60DAYS",
            "end": "NOW/DAY",
            "gap": "+7DAY",
            "sort": "index",
            "facet": {
                "categories": {
                    "type": "terms",
                    "field": "category",
                    "limit": -1

But... this query, as well as all the examples, are in json query format, in a 
request body. The actual query will be sent using a custom API that only 
accepts a regular URL query, with parameters. Any idea how I can rewrite the 
json query above into a URL query?

Also, it would be easier to use the result if the ranges were sorted by the 
date in descending order, but no matter what I tried I couldn't get it to work. 
I thought that "sort": "index desc" should do the trick, but it seems that 
index sort can't be reversed?

Alexandre Rafalovitch wrote:
> This feels like basic faceting on category, but you are trying to make a 
> latest record, rather than count as a sorting/grouping principle.
> How about using JSON Facets?
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_8/json-facet-api.html
> I would do the first level as range facet and do your dates at whatever 
> granularity (say 1 week?) and then second level category terms.
> Let us know if it works. It is an interesting question.
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