: SEVERE: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error opening new searcher.
: exceeded limit of maxWarmingSearchers=8, try again later.

: Our server is not even in public use yet, it's serving maybe one query every
: second, or less.  I don't understand what could be causing this.

that warning isn't going to hve anything to do with your query load -- one 
query an hour or one query a millisecond isn't going to affect that 
message -- it's triggered by issuing multiple commits in quick succession.

: We do a commit on every update, but updates are very infrequent.  One every
: few minutes, and it's a very small update as well.

even if your updates are statisticly infrequent (ie: only 100 a day) if 8 
happen in rapid succession it could cause a problem like this.

just before you see that SEVERE log message there should be some INFO 
messages telling you about "start commit(..." and then after some warming 
happens a "Registered new searcher ..." followed by "Closing Searcher ..."  
if you're seeing lots of those "start commit" messages in quick succesion, 
you're probably sending commits to often, or doing too much cache warming.


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