: I need to have the elevate.xml file updated frequently and I was wondering
: if it is possible to put this file in the dataDir folder when using Solr
: Cloud. I know that this is possible in the standalone mode, and I haven't
: seen in the documentation [1] that it can not be done in Cloud.
: I am using Solr 7.7.2 and ZooKeeper. After creating the techproducts
: collection for the tests, I remove the elevate.xml file from the
: configuration and I put it in the dataDir folder of the cores. When I
: update the collection with that configuration, I get the following error:
: "Can't find resource 'elevate.xml' in classpath or
: '/configs/techproductsConfExp'". Is this expected or I am doing something
: wrong?

Hmmm... can you share the full stack trace of that error?

(I suspect at some point someone made a sloppy assumption in the QEC code 
that no one would ever try to keep elevate.xml in the data dir in cloud 

I don't know if it will work, but one thing you might want to experiment 
with is putting your elevate.xml back the configset in zk, and updating it 
on the fly in zk -- then see if it gets reloaded by each core the next 
time the index changes (NOTE that there will almost certainly need to be 
an index change for it to re-load, since I don't see any indication that 
it's watching for changes in zk)

FWIW: the way most people seem to be using QEC these days is to have an 
empty elevate.xml file, and then have their application use some other 
key/val store, or more complex matching logic, to decide which documents 
to elevate, and then use the "elevateIds" param to pass that info to solr.


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