Thanks Alex and Shawn.



On Thu, 18 Feb 2021 at 18:57, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 2/18/2021 3:38 AM, Anuj Bhargava wrote:
> > Solr 8.0 query length limit
> >
> > We are having an issue where queries are too big, we get no result. And
> if
> > we remove a few keywords we get the result.
> The best option is to convert the request to POST, as Thomas suggested.
>   With that, the query parameters could be up to 2 megabytes in size
> with no config changes.
> The limit for this is enforced by Jetty -- the servlet container that
> Solr ships with.  If you cannot switch your requests to POST, then you
> can find the following line in server/etc/jetty.xml, adjust it, and
> restart Solr:
>      <Set name="requestHeaderSize"><Property
> name="solr.jetty.request.header.size" default="8192" /></Set>
> A header limit of 8KB is found in nearly all web servers and related
> software, like load balancers.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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