two general comments on this thread as a whole...

1) it's hard to compare the timing of a query with no synonyms and a query 
with a lot of synonyms since the number of terms increases and (most 
likely) the number of documents matched in increases as well.

the more clauses in the query, the more work that is done when executing 
it; the more docs that match each clause, etc...

switching to index time synonyms is probably going to speed this up as 
much as it possibly can, becuase the number clauses isn'tgoing to expand 
(but you still have the added cost of "visiting" each matching doc.

2) it's not clear from this thread if the timing info you got involved the 
queryResultCache at all ... if you are using that cache in your 
performance tests, you may be seeing the effects of LUCENE-1415 (a bad 
hashCode implementation that resulted in cache misses) ... the more 
synonyms in your query, the more likely you are to get a cache miss even 
if the "same" query has already been executed.


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