If there are twenty synonyms, then a one term query becomes a
twenty term query, and that means 20X more disk accesses.


On 11/12/08 7:08 AM, "Erik Hatcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 12, 2008, at 9:41 AM, Manepalli, Kalyan wrote:
>> I did the index time synonyms and results do look much better
>> than the query time indexing.
>> But is there a reason for the searches to be that slow. I understand
>> that we have a pretty long list of synonyms (one word contains atleast
>> 20 words as synonyms). Does this have such an adverse impact
> Apparently so :/
> Are there other components in your request handler that may also be
> (re)executing a query?   Does the debugQuery=true component timings
> point to any other bottlenecks?
> Erik

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