What about SolrJS? Isn't it designed to hit a Solr directly? (Sure, as long as the response looked like Solr response, it could have come through some magic 'security' tier).


On Nov 16, 2008, at 5:54 PM, Ryan McKinley wrote:
I'm not totally sure what you are suggesting. Is there a general way people deal with security and search?

I'm assuming we already have good ways (better ways) to make sure people are authorized/logged in etc. What do you imagine "solr security" would add?

FYI, I used to have a custom RequstHandler that got the user principal from the HttpServletRequest (I have a custom SolrDispatchFilter that adds that to the context) and then augments the query with a filter that limits to stuff that user can see. I replaced all that with a something that adds the filter to the Solrj query.

Assuming it is "safe" and all that, what do you think we could add that would be general enough?


On Nov 16, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

I'm pondering the viability of running Solr as effectively a UI server... what I mean by that is having a public facing browser- based application hitting a Solr backend directly for JSON, XML, etc data.

I know folks are doing this (I won't name names, in case this thread comes up with any vulnerabilities that would effect such existing environments).

Let's just assume a typical deployment environment... replicated Solr's behind a load balancer, maybe even a caching proxy.
What known vulnerabilities are there in Solr 1.3, for example?

What I think we can get out this is a Solr deployment configuration suitable for direct browser access, but we're not safely there yet are we? Is this an absurd goal? Must we always have a moving piece between browser and data/search servers?


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