On Nov 17, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

trouble is, you can also GET /solr/update, even all on the URL, no request body...

<http://localhost:8983/solr/update?stream.body=%3Cadd%3E%3Cdoc%3E%3Cfield%20name=%22id%22%3ESTREAMED%3C/field%3E%3C/doc%3E%3C/add%3E&commit=true >

Solr is a bad RESTafarian.

but with Ian's options in the apache config, this would not work... rather it would only work if stream.body was a POST

Getting warmer!


On Nov 17, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Ian Holsman wrote:

if thats the case putting apache in front of it would be handy.

something like
<limit  POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from

might be helpful.

Sean Timm wrote:
I believe the Solr replication scripts require POSTing a commit to read in the new index--so at least limited POST capability is required in most scenarios.


Lance Norskog wrote:
About that "read-only" switch for Solr: one of the basic HTTP design guidelines is that GET should only return values, and should never change the state of the data. All changes to the data should be made with POST. (In REST style guidelines, PUT, POST, and DELETE.) This prevents you from passing around URLs in email that can destroy the index. The first role of
security is to prevent accidents.

I would suggest two layers of "read-only" switch. 1) Open the Lucene index in read-only mode. 2) Allow only search servers to accept GET requests.


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