Yes it is. You need a unique id because the add method works as and "add or update" method. When adding a document whose ID is already found in the index, the old document will be deleted and the new will be added. Are you indexing two tables into the same index? Or does one entry in the index consist of data from both tables? How are these linked together without an ID?

- Aleksander

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 10:42:00 +0100, Raghunandan Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Is the uniqueKey in schema.xml really required?

Reason is, I am indexing two tables and I have id as unique key in
schema.xml but id field is not there in one of the tables and indexing
fails. Do I really require this unique field for Solr to index it better
or can I do away with this?



Aleksander M. Stensby
Senior software developer
Integrasco A/S

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