Yesterday I got it running, I thouhght I had post it, but I should not push
the post button.
The problem I had to solve to run it with the Velocity was to copy by hand
velocity jar files to /lib.

Erik Hatcher wrote:
> I just got the client-side demo on trunk to work (with a few tweaks to  
> make it work with the example core Solr data).
> On trunk follow these steps:
>    * root directory: ant example
>    * separate console, index data: cd example/exampledocs; java -jar  
> post.jar *.xml
>    * open contrib/javascript/example/testClientside.html in your browser
> The serverSide.html example is still not quite wired together properly  
> to be an easy-to-run-demo, as what's on trunk doesn't include the  
> reuters data and the velocity stuff is not wired in with it yet either.
> We'll get this working better/cleaner as we go, so we appreciate your  
> early adopter help ironing out this stuff.
>       Erik
> On Nov 20, 2008, at 5:44 PM, JCodina wrote:
>> I could not manage, yet to use it. :confused:
>> My doubts are:
>> - must I  download solr from svn - trunk?
>> - then, must I apply the patches of solrjs and velocity and unzip  
>> the files?
>> or is this  already in trunk?
>> because  trunk contains velocity and javascript in contrib.
>>   but does not find the velocity
>> - How do I edit/activate SolrJs to adapt it to my data, the wiki  
>> page says
>> how to deploy the sample, and I looked at the sample page from the  
>> sample
>> site, but I don't find how to manually install it on a tomcat server.
>> PD. If I get how to do it, I promise I will introduce that  
>> information in
>> the solrjs wiki page  =) .
>> Matthias Epheser wrote:
>>> Erik Hatcher schrieb:
>>>> On Nov 16, 2008, at 1:40 PM, Matthias Epheser wrote:
>>>>>> Matthias and Ryan - let's get SolrJS integrated into
>>>>>> contrib/velocity.  Any objections/reservations?
>>>>> As SolrJS may be used without velocity at all (using eg.
>>>>> ClientSideWidgets), is it possible to put it into "contrib/ 
>>>>> javascript"
>>>>> and create a "dependency" to contrib/velocity for  
>>>>> ServerSideWidgets?
>>>> Sure, contrib/javascript sounds perfect.
>>>>> If that's ok, I'll have a look at the directory structure and the
>>>>> current ant build.xml to make them fit into the common solr  
>>>>> structure
>>>>> and build.
>>>> Awesome, thanks!
>>> Just uploaded to
>>> It
>>> is intended to be extracted in contrib/javascript and supports the
>>> following ant
>>> targets:
>>> * ant dist -> creates a single js file and a jar that holds velocity
>>> templates.
>>> * ant docs -> creates js docs. test in browser: doc/index.html
>>> * ant example-init -> (depends ant dist on solr root) copies the  
>>> current
>>> built
>>> of solr.war and solr-velocity.jar to example/testsolr/..
>>> * ant example-start -> starts the testsolr server on port 8983
>>> * ant example-import -> imports 3000 test data rows (requires a  
>>> started
>>> testserver)
>>>>    Erik
>> -- 
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