Yes, I totally understand, and agree.  

MoreLikeThis uses TF-IDF to rank terms, then it generates queries based on top 
ranked terms.  In any case, I wasn't able to make it work after many attempts. 

Finally, I've used a different method for queries generation, and it works 
better, or at least gives some results, while with moreLikeThis results were 
poor or no result at all. 

To mention that my index was composed by short length documents, therefore the 
intersection between top ranked terms by TF-IDF was empty set.  MoreLikeThis 
works better when you have long documents. 

Yes, I've changed the thresholds for min TFIDF and max TFIDF, and others 

I've also used "mlt.maxqt" parameter  to increase the number of terms used in 
queries generation, but still didn't work well, since the method of queries 
generation based on terms with the highest TF-IDF score doesn't generate 
representative query for document.  I wasn't able to tune it. For a low value 
such as mlt.maxqt=3,4, results were poor, while for mlt.maxqt=5,6>>> it gave 
too many and irrelevant results. 

Thank you,
Best Wishes,
Vitalie Scurtu

--- On Wed, 11/26/08, Aleksander M. Stensby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Aleksander M. Stensby <aleksander.
Subject: Re:  Keyword extraction
Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 1:03 PM

I do not agree with you at all. The concept of MoreLikeThis is based on the
fundamental idea of TF-IDF weighting, and not term frequency alone.
Please take a look at:
As you can see, it is possible to use cut-off thresholds to significantly
reduce the number of unimportant terms, and generate highly suitable queries
based on the tf-idf frequency of the term, since as you point out, high
frequency terms alone tends to be useless for querying, but taking the document
frequency into account drastically increases the importance of the term!

In solr, use parameters to manipulate your desired results:
For instance:
mlt.mintf - Minimum Term Frequency - the frequency below which terms will be
ignored in the source doc.
mlt.mindf - Minimum Document Frequency - the frequency at which words will be
ignored which do not occur in at least this many docs.
You can also set thresholds for term length etc.

Hope this gives you a better idea of things.
- Aleks

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 12:38:38 +0100, Scurtu Vitalie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear Partick, I had the same problem with MoreLikeThis function.
> After  briefly reading and analyzing the source code of moreLikeThis
function in solr, I conducted:
> MoreLikeThis uses term vectors to ranks all the terms from a document
> by its frequency. According to its ranking, it will start to generate
> queries, artificially, and search for documents.
> So, moreLikeThis will retrieve related documents by artificially
generating queries based on most frequent terms.
> There's a big problem with "most frequent terms"  from
documents. Most frequent words are usually meaningless, or so called function
words, or, people from Information Retrieval like to call them stopwords.
However, ignoring  technical problems of implementation of moreLikeThis
function, this approach is very dangerous, since queries are generated
artificially based on a given document.
> Writting queries for retrieving a document is a human task, and it assumes
some knowledge (user knows what document he wants).
> I advice to use others approaches, depending on your expectation. For
example, you can extract similar documents just by searching for documents with
similar title (more like this doesn't work in this case).
> I hope it helps,
> Best Regards,
> Vitalie Scurtu
> --- On Wed, 11/26/08, Plaatje, Patrick
> From: Plaatje, Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE:  Keyword extraction
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 10:52 AM
> Hi All,
> as an addition to my previous post, no interestingTerms are returned
> when i execute the folowing url:
> tingTerms=list&mlt=true&mlt.match.include=true
> I get a moreLikeThis list though, any thoughts?
> Best,
> Patrick

--Aleksander M. Stensby
Senior software developer
Integrasco A/S


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