Using two fields, as Grant suggested, works very well. For a while, we
used three fields, exact, stemmed, and phonetic. The DisMax handler
makes it very easy to manage that sort of configuration.


On 12/7/08 12:51 PM, "Bertrand DUMAS-PILHOU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I have the same reflexion actually.
> If you add an another field for exact search, and the end cannot type a
> search like : 
> "convertible" +house
> Because in this sample, for 'convertible' the user want an exact search but
> not for 'house'.
> And I don't want to develop an new parser for query.
> I think, the solution is to add something in the stemmer analyser to store
> exact word too, and a parser that don't stem expression in quote.
> Is it a possible way ?
> Grant Ingersoll-6 wrote:
>> On Dec 4, 2008, at 8:19 PM, Jonathan Ariel wrote:
>>> Hi! I'm wondering what solr is really doing with the exact word vs.
>>> the
>>> stemmed word.
>>> So for example I have 2 documents.
>>> The first one has in the title the word "convertible"
>>> The second one has "convert"
>>> When solr stem the titles, both will be the same since convertible ->
>>> convert.
>>> Then when I search "convertible" both documents seems to have the same
>>> relevancy... is that right or Solr keeps track of the original word
>>> and
>>> gives extra score to the fact that I am actually looking for the
>>> same exact
>>> word that I have in a document... I might be wrong, but it seems to
>>> me that
>>> it should score that better.
>> Solr doesn't keep track of the original word, unless you tell it to.
>> So, if you are stemming, then you are losing the original word.  A
>> common way to solve what you are doing is to actually have two fields,
>> where one is stemmed and one is exact (you can do this with the
>> <copyField/> mechanism in the Schema).   Thus, if you want exact
>> match, you search the exact match field, otherwise you search the
>> stemmed field.
>> -Grant

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