Right now, you'd have to write an implementation of a SolrSpellChecker. Seems like a reasonable thing to have, though. We could have a "Chained" Spell Checker that combined the others, I think.

Another option that might work, would be to define two separate Search components, 1 for the file and 1 for the index, and then put them into the request handler, such that it might be possible to get both outputs. I haven't tried this, but think it should work since the component just adds to the output, and doesn't overwrite it.


On Dec 8, 2008, at 12:02 AM, Deshpande, Mukta wrote:


I have defined a Search Component in solrconfig.xml containing two
entries for spellchecker.
One is the indexed field - "title" . Second is a text file -

When I enable spellchecking and query for some word, I expect that the
spelling suggestions will come from both the dictionaries. But my
observation is that the suggestions come from the indexed field only if
some exist otherwise I do not get any suggestions.
If I explicitly add spellcheck.dictionary=file to get suggestion from
text file then I get suggestions from the file but in that case I do not
get suggestions from the indexed field.

How can I get spelling suggestions from both dictionaries.


Grant Ingersoll

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