chip correra wrote:
        We’re using Solr as a backend indexer/search engine to support an AJAX 
based consumer application.  Basically, when users of our system create 
“Documents” in our product, we commit right away, because we want to 
immediately re-query and get counts back from Solr to update the user’s 
interface.  Occasionally, usually under load, we see the following error...

ERROR [IndexSubscription] error committing changes to solr 
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error opening 
new searcher. exceeded limit of maxWarmingSearchers=4, try again later.

My understanding of Solr’s caches and warming searches is that we get nearly no 
value out of them because with many users, each only ever querying their own 
data, the caches would quickly be marked irrelevant by new unique user queries.

So, we’ve tried setting <useColdSearcher>true</useColdSearcher>
And we’ve set all the cache autowarmCounts=”0”, for example: <documentCache class="solr.LRUCache" 
size="512" initialSize="512" autowarmCount="0"/>

Yet the same problem is periodically logged.

Is there a way to disable warming Searches? Should we even be trying this? Is there a better configuration, i.e. Do we just set Warming Searches to a higher number? I read in solr...@jira that removing this configuration all together forces the number of warming Searches be infinite – that can’t be good?

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It likely means your committing too often. Pretty often if it happens even with a cold searcher. Whats your commit policy?

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