How big is your index? There is a variant of the Lucene disk accessors in
the Lucene contrib area. It stores all of the index data directly in POJOs
(Java objects) and does not marshal them into a disk-saveable format. The
indexes are understandably larger, but all data added is automatically
commited; there is no actual commit operation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Underwood [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: exceeded limit of maxWarmingSearchers=4

It sounds like you need real-time search, where documents are available in
the next query. Solr doesn't do that.

That is a pretty rare feature and must be designed in at the start.

The usual workaround is to have a main index plus a small delta index and
search both. Deletes have to be handled separately.

The Sphinx docs have a description of how to do that with their


On 12/11/08 10:44 AM, "chip correra" <> wrote:

>         We¹re using Solr as a backend indexer/search engine to support 
> an AJAX based consumer application.  Basically, when users of our 
> system create ³Documents² in our product, we commit right away, 
> because we want to immediately re-query and get counts back from Solr 
> to update the user¹s interface.  Occasionally, usually under load, we see
the following error...
> ERROR [IndexSubscription] error committing changes to solr
> java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: 
> Error opening new searcher. exceeded limit of maxWarmingSearchers=4, 
> try again later.
> My understanding of Solr¹s caches and warming searches is that we get 
> nearly no value out of them because with many users, each only ever 
> querying their own data, the caches would quickly be marked irrelevant 
> by new unique user queries.
> So, we¹ve tried setting <useColdSearcher>true</useColdSearcher>
> And we¹ve set all the cache autowarmCounts=²0², for example: 
> <documentCache class="solr.LRUCache" size="512" initialSize="512" 
> autowarmCount="0"/>
> Yet the same problem is periodically logged.
> Is there a way to disable warming Searches?
> Should we even be trying this?
> Is there a better configuration, i.e. Do we just set Warming Searches 
> to a higher number?
> I read in solr...@jira that removing this configuration all together 
> forces the number of warming Searches be infinite ­ that can¹t be good?
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