> To try it out, browse to http://www.lucidimagination.com/search/.

Since this is built on Solr, it does feel on-topic to talk a bit about
it here too...

Some tips:

There's a very small "options" menu above the "PROJECT" facet.
You can enable "Show facets with 0 results" there, which provides a
fixed facet layout (things don't move around as counts change).
I'd be interested in what mode works best for you.

These are multi-select facets... taking advantage of the recent
I think the eventual goal is to make "Author" multi-select too,
perhaps with name auto-complete, after we do some email/name

Referencing emails/threads:

URLs to emails look like this:
but, the stuff after the hash is fluff... if you prefer shorter URLs,
this will work just as well:

That's it for now... feel free to ask questions you feel would be on
topic for solr-user
(and be gentle: it's still beta and a bit rough around the edges :-)


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