On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think thats the problem with it. People do think of it this way, and it
> ends up being very confusing.
> If you dont use onlyMorePopular, and you ask for suggestions for a word
> that happens to be in the index, you get the word back.
> So if I ask for corrections to Lucene, and its in the index, it suggests
> Lucene. This is nice for multi term suggestions, because for "mrk lucene" it
> might suggest "mark lucene".
> Now say I want to toggle onlyMorePopular to add frequency into the mix - my
> expectation is that, perhaps now I will get the suggestion "mork lucene" if
> mork has a higher freq than mark.
> But I will get maybe "mork luke" instead, because I am guaranteed not to
> get Lucene as a suggestion if onlyMorePopular is on.

onlyMorePopular=true considers tokens of frequency greater than equal to
frequency of original token. So you may still get Lucene as a suggestion.

> Personally I think it all ends up being pretty counter intuitive,
> especially when asking for suggestions for multiple terms. You start getting
> suggestions for alternate spellings no matter what - Lucene could be in the
> index a billion times, it will still suggest something else. But with
> onlyMorePopular off, it will throw back Lucene. You can deal with it if you
> know whats up, but as we have seen from all the questions on this, its not
> easy to understand why things change like that.

I agree that it is confusing. Do you have any suggestions on ways to fix
this? More/better documentation, changes in behavior, change
'onlyMorePopular' parameter's name, etc.?
Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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