Adding '" + jars[j].toString() + "' to Solr classloaderAdding '" + 
jars[j].toString() + "' to Solr classloader

: > But how can i redirect solr to a seperate lib directrory that is outside of
: > the solr.home
: > 
: > Is this possible in solr 1.3
: I don't believe it is possible (but please correct me if I'm wrong).  From
: SolrResourceLoader:
:"Solr home set to '" + this.instanceDir + "'");
:    this.classLoader = createClassLoader(new File(this.instanceDir + "lib/"),
: parent);
: So only a lib/ under Solr home directory is used.  It would be a nice

that's the lib directory specific to the core (hence it's relative the 

In con's original post he was claiming to have problems getting 
solr.xml's sharedLib option to point to an absolute path ... this should 
work fine.

con: when your solr.xml you should see an INFO message starting with 
"loading shared library:..." -- what path is listed on that line?

your sharedLib="%COMMON_LIB%" example won't work (for the reasons Noble 
mentioned) but your sharedLib="C:\lib" should work (assuming that path 
exists) and then immediately following the log message i mentioned 
above, you should see INFO messages like...
        Adding file:/// to Solr classloader
...for each jar in that directory.  if there are none, or the directory 
can't be found you might see "Reusing parent classloader" or "Can't 
construct solr lib class loader" messages instead.

what do you see in your logs?


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