You haven't really given us a lot of information to work with...

what shows up in your logs?
what did you name the context fragment file?
where did you put the context fragment file?
where did you put the multicore directory?

sharing *exact* directory lisings and the *exact* commands you've 
executed is much more likely to help people understand what you're seeing.

For example: the SolrTomcat wiki page shows an exact set of shell commands 
to install solr and tomcat on linux or cygwin and get it running against a 
simple example ... if you can provide a similar set commands showing 
*exactly* what you've done, people might be able to spot the problem (or 
try the steps themselve and reproduce the problem)

: Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 14:55:47 +0530

: Hi,
: I am trying to do amulticore set up..
: I added the following from the 1.3 solr download to new dir called multicore
: core0 ,core1,solr.xml and solr.war
: in the tomcat context fragment i have defined as
: <Context docBase="c:/multicore/solr.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
:    <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="C:\multicore
: override="true" />
: </Context>
: http://localhost:8080/multicore/admin
: http://localhost:8080/multicore/admin/core0
: The above 2 ursl give me resource not found error
: the solr.xml is the default one from the download.
: Please tell me as to what needs to be changed to make this work in tomcat
: Regards
: Sujatha


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