: below is my setup, 
: <Context docBase="/home/zhangyongjiang/applications/solr/solr.war" debug="0" 
crossContext="true" >
:    <Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" 
value="/home/zhangyongjiang/applications/solr" override="false" />
: </Context>

you provided that information before, but you still haven't answered the 
most of the questions i asked you...

: You haven't really given us a lot of information to work with...
: what shows up in your logs?
: what did you name the context fragment file?
: where did you put the context fragment file?
: where did you put the multicore directory?

...the answer to that last question is the only new piece of information 
you provided.

My other comments also still hold true...

: sharing *exact* directory lisings and the *exact* commands you've 
: executed is much more likely to help people understand what you're seeing.

...please cut and paste directory listings of the directories in question, 
cust/paste how you are running tomcat, which directory you are running 
tomcat in, what log messages you are getting, etc...

: For example: the SolrTomcat wiki page shows an exact set of shell commands 
: to install solr and tomcat on linux or cygwin and get it running against a 
: simple example ... if you can provide a similar set commands showing 
: *exactly* what you've done, people might be able to spot the problem (or 
: try the steps themselve and reproduce the problem)
: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrTomcat


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