On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 8:00 PM, fergus mcmenemie <fer...@twig.me.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> Due to limitations with the way my content is organised and DIH I have
> to add “-imgCaption:[* TO *]” to some of my queries. I discovered the
> name=”appends” functionality tucked away inside solconfig.xml. This
> looks a very useful feature, and I created a new requestHandler to deal
> with my problem queries. I tried adding the following to my alternate
> requestHandler:-
>     <lst name="appends"><str name="q">-imgCaption:[* TO *]</str></lst>
> which did not work; however
>     <lst name="appends"><str name="fq">-imgCaption:[* TO *]</str></lst>

"appends" parameters are appended to the request parameters. An existing q
parameter might be overriding it. Also, I'm not sure if pure negative
queries are supported in the q parameter. You might need to do *:* AND
-imgCaption:[* TO *] instead. I do remember that negative queries in fq

> worked fine and is also more efficient. I guess I was caught by the
> “identify values which should be appended to the list of ***multi-val
> params**** from the query” portion of the comment within solconfig.xml.
> I am now wondering how do I know which query params are "multi-val" or
> not? Is this documented anywhere?

For example, "fq", "facet.field" etc are multi-valued since multiple such
params can be specified in the same request. "q" is single-valued. You can
look through the "Input Parameters" section on the wiki front page for more

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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