Hello again,

I'm in the process of converting one of our services that was previously
using Lucene to use Solr instead.  The main focus here is to preserve
backwards compatibility (even if some searches are not as efficient).
There are currently two scenarios that are giving me problems right now.

1. Leading wildcard searches/suffix searches (e.g. *ickey)
I've looked at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-218.  Is the
best approach to create a QParserPlugin and change the parser to allow
leading wildcards - setAllowLeadingWildcard(true)?  At the moment we're
trying to avoid indexing terms in reverse order.

2. Phrase searches with wildcards (e.g. "Mickey Mou*")
>From what I understand, Solr/Lucene doesn't support this but we used to
get results with the following code:
        new WildcardQuery(new Term("U_name", " Mickey Mou*"))

Is it possible for me to allow this capability in a QParserPlugin?  Is
there another way for me to do it?

Laurent Vauthrin

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