So I've started making a QParserPlugin to handle phrase wild card
searches but I think I need a little bit of guidance.  In my plugin I've
subclassed the SolrQueryParser and overridden the getFieldQuery(...)
method so that I can handle queries that contain spaces and wildcards.
I naively tried to construct a WildcardQuery object from the query text
but that didn't seem to work.  What sort of Query object(s) should I be
using here?  (Note: the field I'm working with is an untokenized field).


-----Original Message-----
.org] On Behalf Of Otis Gospodnetic
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: Wildcard searches


Another option for 1) is to use n-grams with token begin/end symbols.
Then you won't need to use wildcards at all, but you'll have a larger

2) may be added to Lucene in the near future, actually, I saw a related
JIRA issue.  But in the mean time, yes, you coul dimplement it via a
custom QParserPlugin.

Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: "Vauthrin, Laurent" <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 5:45:30 PM
> Subject: Wildcard searches
> Hello again,
> I'm in the process of converting one of our services that was
> using Lucene to use Solr instead.  The main focus here is to preserve
> backwards compatibility (even if some searches are not as efficient).
> There are currently two scenarios that are giving me problems right
> 1. Leading wildcard searches/suffix searches (e.g. *ickey)
> I've looked at  Is the
> best approach to create a QParserPlugin and change the parser to allow
> leading wildcards - setAllowLeadingWildcard(true)?  At the moment
> trying to avoid indexing terms in reverse order.
> 2. Phrase searches with wildcards (e.g. "Mickey Mou*")
> From what I understand, Solr/Lucene doesn't support this but we used
> get results with the following code:
>     new WildcardQuery(new Term("U_name", " Mickey Mou*"))
> Is it possible for me to allow this capability in a QParserPlugin?  Is
> there another way for me to do it?
> Thanks,
> Laurent Vauthrin

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