did you try the deletedPkQuery?

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Ruben Chadien <ruben.chad...@aspiro.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to Solr, but have been using Lucene for a while. I am trying to
> rewrite
> some old lucene indexing code using the Jdbc DataImport i Solr, my problem:
> I have Entities that can be marked in the db as "deleted", these i don't
> want to index
> and thats no problem when doing a full-import. When doing a delta-import my
> deltaQuery will catch
> Entities that has been marked as deleted since last index, but how do i get
> it to delete those from the index ?
> I tried making the deltaImportQuery so that in don't return the Entity if
> its deleted, that didnt help...
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks
> Ruben

--Noble Paul

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