I have built the trunk code as of Revision: 765826 and tried !tag=/!ex=
which is what I need to work.  And IT WORKS!  That's great.

Now, is it unwise to release 1.4 into production for this feature (based
on my explanation below)?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ristretto.rb <ristretto...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:16 AM
Subject: Advice on moving from 1.3 to 1.4-dev or trunk?
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org

Hello, I'm using solr 1.3 with solr.py.   We have a basic schema.xml,
nothing custom or out of the ordinary.
I need the following the feature from ....

SOLR-911: Add support for multi-select faceting by allowing filters to be
   tagged and facet commands to exclude certain filters.  This patch also
   added the ability to change the output key for facets in the response, and
   optimized distributed faceting refinement by lowering parsing overhead and
   by making requests and responses smaller.

Since this requires 1.4, looks like I have to upgrade (or roll my own
solution that this feature provides.)
I'm looking for a bit of advice.  I have looked through the bugs here

1.  I would need to get the source for 1.4 and build it, right?  No
release yet, eh?
2.  Any one using 1.4 in production without issue; is this wise?  Or
should I wait?
3.  Will I need to make changes to my schema.xml to support my current
field set under 1.4?
4.  Do I need to reindex all my data?


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