On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:46 AM, ristretto.rb <ristretto...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 1.  I would need to get the source for 1.4 and build it, right?  No
> release yet, eh?


> 2.  Any one using 1.4 in production without issue; is this wise?  Or
> should I wait?

Running a nightly is always a risky business. Test comprehensively first.

> 3.  Will I need to make changes to my schema.xml to support my current
> field set under 1.4?

No, it should be back-compatible.

Also look at the Upgrading from 1.3 section in CHANGES.txt

> 4.  Do I need to reindex all my data?

It should be able to read your existing index. Since it uses a newer version
of Lucene, once you write anything, the index format will change and will no
longer be readable by Solr 1.3

So make sure you upgrade the slaves before the master.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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