My turn to help, Paul.

There is no such page on the Solr Wiki, but I agree with Paul, this can really 
be a quick and painless migration for typical Lucene/Solr setups.  This is 
roughly how I'd do things:

- I'd set up Solr
- I'd create the schema.xml mimicking the fields in the existing Lucene index
- I'd copy over the Lucene index, keeping in mind Lucene jar versions, 
Solr/Lucene jar versions, and index compatibility
- Start Solr
- Go to Admin page and run test queries
- Go to schema/solrconfig.xml and add various other things - proper cache 
sizes, index replication, dismax, spellchecker, etc.

- Go to Lucene-based indexer classes and change them to use Solrj
- Go to Lucene-based searcher classes and change them to use Solrj

I'd leave embedded Solr and dynamic fields for phase 2 of the migration, unless 
those things really are necessary.
I don't think you'd need to do anything with web.xml - solr comes as a webapp, 
packaged in a way, which contains its own web.xml

Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch

----- Original Message ----
> From: Paul Libbrecht <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:35:59 AM
> Subject: SOLRizing advice?
> Hello list,
> I am surely not the only one who wishes to migrate from bare lucene to solr.
> Many different reasons can be there, e.g. facetting, web-externalization, 
> ease 
> of update... what interests me here are the steps needed in the form of 
> advice 
> as to what to use.
> Here's a few hints. I would love a web-page grouping all these:
> - first change references to indexwriter/indexreader/indexsearch to be those 
> of 
> SOLR using embedded-solr-server
> - make a first solr schema with appropriate analyzers by defining particular 
> dynamic fields
> - slowly replace the queries methods with solr queries, slowly taking 
> advantage 
> of solr features
> - web-expose the solr core for at least admin by merging the web.xml
> Does such a web-page already exist?
> thanks in advance
> paul

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