1) please don't cross post ... this is a user question, not development 
discussion .. the user list is the appropriate place to have the 

2) ...

: Is it possible to read only maxAnalyzedChars from the stored field
: instead of reading the complete field in the memory? For instance, in my

nope ... the underlying Lucene call lets you read in all fields, or some 
fields, but not parts of some fields.

if you are willing to only use the first N chars when doing highlighting, 
then you can use the <copyField maxChars="N" ... > to ensure that only 
thoe N chars get stored in your destination field ... then highlight using 
that field.

: Also I am confused over the following code in SolrIndexSearcher.doc()
: method
: if(!enableLazyFieldLoading || fields == null) {
:       d = searcher.getIndexReader().document(i);
:     } else {
:       d = searcher.getIndexReader().document(i, 
:              new SetNonLazyFieldSelector(fields));
:     }

It says that if enableLazyFieldLoading is false or if no field names have 
been specified: go ahead and load the whole document; otherwise use a 
FieldSelector that loads the specified fields, but leaves the other fields 
to be loaded lazily if needed.


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