Hello Koji,

I applied the patch:

It's working but I have a question about facet.prefix. When we add a facet.prefix it filters the facet results but not the query results. Is there a way to filter both?

Thank you,

On Apr 14, 2009, at 3:32 PM, Koji Sekiguchi wrote:

Nasseam Elkarra wrote:
Set up a system for hierarchal categories using the following scheme:
level one#
level one#level two#
level one#level two#level three#

Trying to find the right combination of field type and query to get the desired results. Saw some previous posts about hierarchal facets which helped in the generating the right query but having an issue using the built in text field which ignores our delimiter and the string field which prevents us from doing a start with search. Does anyone have any insight into the field declaration?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Out of need in my project, I'll get started to work for SOLR-64, expected any day.
I'm thinking introducing a field type for hierarchical facet.


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