How often do you update the indexes? We update once per day, and our
HTTP cache has a hit rate of 75% once it gets warmed up.


On 5/20/09 9:07 AM, "Otis Gospodnetic" <> wrote:
> Kent,
> Solr plays nice with HTTP caches.  Perhaps the simplest solution is to put
> Solr behind a caching server such as Varnish, Squid, or even Apache?
> Otis
> --
> Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Kent Fitch <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:47:02 AM
>> Subject: best way to cache "base" queries (before application of filters)
>> Hi,  I'm looking for some advice on how to add "base query" caching to SOLR.
>> Our use-case for SOLR is:
>> - a large Lucene index (32M docs, doubling in 6 months, 110GB increasing x 8
>> in 6 months)
>> - a frontend which presents views of this data in 5 "categories" by firing
>> off 5 queries with the same search term but 5 different "fq" values
>> For example, an originating query for "sydney harbour" generates 5 SOLR
>> queries:
>> - ../search?q=&fq=category:books
>> - ../search?q=&fq=category:maps
>> - ../search?q=&fq=category:music
>> etc
>> The complicated expansion requiring sloppy phrase matches, and the large
>> database with lots of very large documents means that some queries take
>> quite some time (10's to several 100's of ms), so we'd like to cache the
>> results of the base query for a short time (long enough for all related
>> queries to be issued).
>> It looks like this isnt the use-case for queryResultCache, because its key
>> is calculated in SolrIndexSearcher like this:
>> key = new QueryResultKey(cmd.getQuery(), cmd.getFilterList(), cmd.getSort(),
>> cmd.getFlags());
>> That is, the filters are part of the key; and the result that's cached
>> results reflects the application of the filters, and this works great for
>> what it is probably designed for - supporting paging through results.
>> So, I think our options are:
>> - create a new queryComponent that invokes SolrIndexSearcher differently,
>> and which has its own (short lived but long entry length) cache of the base
>> query results
>> - subclass or change SolrIndexSearcher, perhaps making it "pluggable",
>> perhaps defining an optional new cache of base query results
>> - create a sublcass of the Lucene IndexSearcher which manages a cache of
>> query results "hidden" from SolrIndexSearcher (and organise somehow for
>> SolrIndexSearcher to use that sublass)
>> Or perhaps Im taking the wrong approach to this problem entirely!  Any
>> advice is greatly appreciated.
>> Kent Fitch

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