It looks like DIH implements its own subset of the Xpath spec. I don't see any tests with multiple matching sub nodes, so perhaps DIH Xpath does not properly support that and just selects the last matching node?

Also, I don't think the double / matters. That would just allow more nodes in between, but since there are not any in between in your example document, its the same as a single /.

- Mark

Jay Hill wrote:
It is not multivalued. The intention is to get all text under they <body>
element into one "body" field in the index that is not multivalued.
Essentially everything within the <body> element minus the markup.


On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Fergus McMenemie <> wrote:

Thanks Noble, I gave those examples a try.

If I use <field column="body" xpath="/book/body/chapter/p" />  I only get
the text from the last <p> element, not from all elements.
Hmmmmm, I am sure I have done this. In your schema.xml is the
field "body" multiValued or not?

If I use <field column="body" xpath="/book/body/chapter" flatten="true"/>
or <field column="body" xpath="/book/body/chapter/" flatten="true"/> I
get back anything for the body column.

So the first example is close, but it only gets the text for the last <p>
element. If I could get all <p> elements at the same level that would be
what I need. The double-slash (/book/body/chapter//p) doesn't seem to be


2009/7/1 Noble Paul ??????  Â Ë³Ë <>

complete xpath is not supported


should work.

if you wish all the text under <chapter> irrespective of nesting , tag
names use this
<field column="body" xpath="/book/body/chapter flatten="true"/>

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Jay Hill<> wrote:
I'm using the XPathEntityProcessor to parse an xml structure that

   <author>Joe Smith</author>
   <title>World Atlas</title>
           <p>Content I want is here</p>
           <p>More content I want is here.</p>
           <p>Still more content here.>/p>

The author and title parse out fine:       <field column="title"
xpath="/book/title"/>  <field column="author" xpath="/book/author"/>

But I can't get at the data inside the <p> tags. I want to get all
non-markup text inside the body tag with something like this:

<field column="body" xpath="/book/body/chapter//p"/>

but that is not supported.

Does anyone know of a way that I can get the content within the <p>
without the markup?


Noble Paul | Principal Engineer| AOL |


Fergus McMenemie      <>
Techmore Ltd                   Phone:(UK) 07721 376021

Unix/Mac/Intranets             Analyst Programmer

- Mark

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