: Hi, I was wondering if any has had luck deleting added documents to
: SolrQueryResponse? I am subclassing StandardRequestHandler and after I run
: the handle request body method (super.handleRequestBody(req, rsp);) I won't
: to filter out some of the hits.

DocLists are immutable (if i remember correctly) but your handler can 
always remove the DocList from the SolrQueryResponse and then replce it 
with a new one after you've made your changes.

one thing to keep in mind however is that post-processing a DocList to 
filter stuff out is almost never a good idea -- things get really 
convoluted when you think about dealing with pagination and except for 
some really trivial use cases you can never know what your upper bound 
should be when deciding how many hits to request from underlying 
IndexSearcher.  You're usually better off restructuring your problem so 
that you can construct a Query/Filter/DocSet that you want to filter by 
first and *then* executing the search to generate the DocList in a single 

PS: replying to your own message (or reposting it) to "bump" it up 
generally doesn't encourage replies any faster -- it just increases the 
volume of traffic on the list, and if anything antagonizes people and 
makes them less interested in responding.


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