Thank you Chris.

I've find out how to implement my faceted search.
I don't index any metadata document but i create my in-memory faceting data
structure from database  at my request handlers init method. Compute facet
count on any request and wrrite to response as NamedList of NemedLists.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:01 AM, Chris Hostetter

> :
> : I'm trying to implement custom faceted search like CNET's
> : approach.<
> : .
> : But i couldn't figure out how to structure and index category metadata
> : document.
> The short answer: "however you want"
> For CNET, we already had a pretty robust datamodel for expressing category
> based attributes and how to filter products in those categories by sets or
> ranges of values and what labels to put on those filters, and what order
> to display those filters as constraints in the UI ... all i did was come
> up with a syntax for the metadatadocs that let me express that existing
> data, and then write a request handler that knew how to parse those
> metadata docs and interpret the existing filter syntax and convert it into
> a Lucene Query.
> AS i've mentioned before: theres nothing special about putting this
> metadata into a doc in your solr index -- i just did it that way so that
> the solr index would be entirely self contained (for replication and
> backup) and refreshing my in memory models would be easy using the cache
> warming hooks of Solr Caches.
> -Hoss


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