: I have noticed a weird behabiour doing score testing. I do a search using
: dismax request handler with no extra boosting in a index of a milion docs
: searching in five fields.
: Printing the score of the docs 3th,4th,5fh,6th I can see that is the same.
: If I build the index with my own lucene indexer and print the scores with my
: own lucene servlet (building the same query with boolean queries)... I can

define what you mean by "building the same query with boolean queries" ... 
DisMaxRequestHandler doesn't just lump all the clauses together in 
BooleanQueries, it builds a DisjunctionMaxQuery for each word in the input 
and those DisMaxQueries are then wrapped in a BooleanQuery (along with 
other things from the boost queries and boost functions)

if you want to look at why you are getting different scores, you should 
double check that the structures are *exactly* the same and compare the 
debugQuery=true score explanations with calling toString on the 
explanations from your own code.


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