On Jul 31, 2009, at 2:35 AM, Rahul R wrote:

We are trying to get Solr to work for a really huge parts database. Details
of the database
- 55 million parts
- Totally 3700 properties (facets). But each record will not have value for
all properties.
- Most of these facets are defined as dynamic fields within the Solr Index

We were getting really unacceptable timing while doing faceting/ searches on
an index created with this database.

Were you accounting for cache warming? Were your caches sized appropriately? What kind of hardware and RAM were you using? What were the JVM settings?

And certainly not least important - what version of Solr are you running? The difference in faceting performance and scalability between Solr 1.3 and what will be Solr 1.4 is quite dramatic.

We thought that by limiting the number of properties that are available for faceting, the performance can be improved. To test this, we enabled only 6 properties for faceting by setting indexed=true (in schema.xml) for only
these properties. All other properties which are defined as dynamic
properties had indexed=false.

These settings won't matter - what matters in this case is what facets you request, not what is actually in the index.

My questions:
- Will reducing the number of facets improve faceting and search
performance ?

Reducing what fields you request will, of course. But what you actually index has no effect on performance until you request it.

- Is there a better way to reduce the number of facets ?

Hard to say without doing a deeper analysis of your needs.

- Will having a large number of properties defined as dynamic fields, reduce
performance ?

Dynamic fields versus statically named fields have no effect on performance.


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