On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Fergus McMenemie <fer...@twig.me.uk> wrote:

> >This testcase is quite independent of anything in Solr. It is a
> >standalone utility and the only dependency is stax.
> >discalimer (I run these testcases from Intellij and command line)
> >BTW are you using XpathRecordReader outside of DIH?
> Nobel,
> Is there a better way to test and play with XPathRecordReader.java
> other than
>  ant -Dtestcase=TestXPathRecordReader test
> Which takes 8secs to run here? I am not using XpathRecordReader
> outside of DIH, but looking to see how I would add support for
> xpaths such as //a.
The target takes a lot of time because it has to go through all the
test-cases in core and contribs trying to match the value given in

You could also do ant -Dtestcase=TestXPathRecordReader test-contrib which
should be a little faster. I run individual test cases directly through IDEA
which avoids these extra steps.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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