Setting Solr up to easily run tests through the IDE should be about as
simple with any IDE of your choosing.

I do it with eclipse. It takes a couple basic steps:

1. Add the correct libraries to your classpath - all the jars in lib and
example/lib (for jetty jars).

2. Add the build/solr build/solrj build/test folders to your classpath.

3. Set your working directory to
${workspace_loc:solrtrunk}/src/test/test-files/ (In eclipse, the opening
variable here is a path to the project base dir - for other IDE's,
change to what makes sense).

Now you should be good to go.

(In eclipse, its best to add the jars/folders to the project classpath,
rather than to the single test Run configuration - else you will have to
do it for every test - instead, add it to the project build path and
then set the working directory for each test Run configuration.)

Now its easy to run tests one at a time, or to debug, or whatever. Not
quite as simple to get going as Lucene, but once you have it up, its the
same dev pleasure.

- Mark

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