I would say once a day is a pretty good rule of thumb. If you think this is a bit much and if you have few updates you can probably back that off to once every couple days to once a week. However, if you have a large batch update or your query performance starts to degrade, you will need to optimize your index.


Matt Weber

On Sep 13, 2009, at 6:21 PM, William Pierce wrote:


Are there good rules of thumb for when to optimize? We have a large index consisting of approx 7M documents and we currently have it set to optimize once a day. But sometimes there are very few changes that have been committed during a day and it seems like a waste to optimize (esp. since our servers are pretty well loaded).

So I was looking to get some good rules of thumb for when it makes sense to optimize: Optimize when x% of the documents have been changed since the last optimize or some such.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

-- Bill

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