On Sep 18, 2009, at 1:09 AM, rajan chandi wrote:
We are planning to use the external Solr on tomcat for scalability reasons.

We thought that EmbeddedSolrServer uses HTTP too to talk with Ruby and
vise-versa as in acts_as_solr ruby plugin.

EmbeddedSolrServer is a way to run Solr as an API (like Lucene) rather than with any web container involved at all. In other words, only Java can use EmbeddedSolrServer (which means JRuby works great).

The acts_as_solr plugin uses the solr-ruby library to communicate with Solr. Under solr-ruby, it's HTTP with ruby (wt=ruby) formatted responses for searches, and documents being indexed get converted to Solr's XML format and POSTed to the Solr URL used to open the Solr::Connection


If Ruby is not using the HTTP to talk EmbeddedSolrServer, what is it using?

Thanks and Regards
Rajan Chandi

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com>wrote:

On Sep 17, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Ian Connor wrote:

Is there any support for connection pooling or a more optimized data
exchange format?

The solr-ruby library (as do other Solr + Ruby libraries) use the ruby response format and eval it. solr-ruby supports keeping the HTTP connection
alive too.

We are looking at any further ways to optimize the solr
queries so we can possibly make more of them in the one request.

The JSON like format seems pretty tight but I understand when the
distributed search takes place it uses a binary protocol instead of text.
wanted to know if that was available or could be available via the ruby

Is it possible to host a local shard and skip HTTP between ruby and solr?

If you use JRuby you can do some fancy stuff, like use the javabin update and response formats so no XML is involved, and you could also use Solr's EmbeddedSolrServer to avoid HTTP. However, in practice rarely is HTTP the bottleneck and actually offers a lot of advantages, such as easy commodity
load balancing and caching.

But JRuby + Solr is a very beautiful way to go!

If you're using MRI Ruby, though, you don't really have any options other than to go over HTTP. You could use json or ruby formatted responses - I'd
be curious to see some performance numbers comparing those two.


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