First of all , thanks a lot for the clarification.Is there any way to see,
how this cache is working internally and what are the objects being stored
and how much memory its consuming,so that we can get a clear picture in
mind.And how to test the performance through cache.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Fuad Efendi <> wrote:

> > 1)Then do you mean , if we delete a perticular doc ,then that is going to
> be
> > deleted from
> >   cache also.
> When you delete document, and then COMMIT your changes, new caches will be
> warmed up (and prepopulated by some key-value pairs from old instances),
> etc:
>  <!-- documentCache caches Lucene Document objects (the stored fields for
> each document).
>       Since Lucene internal document ids are transient, this cache will not
> be autowarmed.  -->
>    <documentCache
>      class="solr.LRUCache"
>      size="512"
>      initialSize="512"
>      autowarmCount="0"/>
> - this one won't be 'prepopulated'.
> > 2)In solr,is  cache storing the entire document in memory or only the
> > references to
> >    documents in memory.
> There are many different cache instances, DocumentCache should store <ID,
> Document> pairs, etc....

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