Is there any way to analyze or see that which documents are getting cached
by documentCache -


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:10 AM, satya <> wrote:

> First of all , thanks a lot for the clarification.Is there any way to see,
> how this cache is working internally and what are the objects being stored
> and how much memory its consuming,so that we can get a clear picture in
> mind.And how to test the performance through cache.
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Fuad Efendi <> wrote:
>> > 1)Then do you mean , if we delete a perticular doc ,then that is going
>> to
>> be
>> > deleted from
>> >   cache also.
>> When you delete document, and then COMMIT your changes, new caches will be
>> warmed up (and prepopulated by some key-value pairs from old instances),
>> etc:
>>  <!-- documentCache caches Lucene Document objects (the stored fields for
>> each document).
>>       Since Lucene internal document ids are transient, this cache will
>> not
>> be autowarmed.  -->
>>    <documentCache
>>      class="solr.LRUCache"
>>      size="512"
>>      initialSize="512"
>>      autowarmCount="0"/>
>> - this one won't be 'prepopulated'.
>> > 2)In solr,is  cache storing the entire document in memory or only the
>> > references to
>> >    documents in memory.
>> There are many different cache instances, DocumentCache should store <ID,
>> Document> pairs, etc....

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