> Hi,
> I am doing exact search in Solr .In Solr admin page I  am
> giving the search input string for search.
> For ex: I am giving “channeL12” as search input string
> in solr home page it displays search results as 
> <doc>
>   <str name="url">http://rediff</field>
>   <str name="title">first</field>
>   <str name="description">channeL12</field>
> </doc>
> As there is a matching input for “channeL12”.
> If I give “channel12” as search input string with L in
> lower case I am not getting any search results.
> In fact I changed ignoreCase =”true” in schema.xml
> schema.xml
> <analyzer type="query">
>         <tokenizer
> class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" ignoreCase="true"
> />
> </analyzer>
> I want to ignore casesensitive search in my search
> results.
> Please let me know if I need to make changes any where else
> or what to do to achieve the desired output.
> Regards
> Bhaskar

First of all, WhitespaceTokenizerFactory does not have an ignoreCase parameter. 
You need to add 
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
to your both query and index analyzer.

<analyzer type="query">
<tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" />
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>

But i think it will be more convenient for you to use the same analyzer for 
index and query.

Hope this helps.

  • Exact match bhaskar chandrasekar
    • Re: Exact match AHMET ARSLAN

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