: Hi all, I'm having problems getting Solr to start on Tomcat 6.

which version of Solr?

: Tomcat is installed in /opt/apache-tomcat , solr is in
: /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps/solr , and my Solr home directory is /opt/solr .

if "solr is in /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps/solr" means that you put the 
solr.war in /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps/ and tomcat expanded it into  
/opt/apache-tomcat/webapps/solr then that is your problem -- tomcat isn't 
even looking at your context file (it only looks at the context files to 
ersolve URLs that it cant resolve looking in the webapps directory)

This is why the examples of using context files on the wiki talk about 
keeping the war *outside* of the webapps directory, and using docBase in 
your Context declaration...


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