Yup - I know - I remember the Slashdot discussion on it well - I didn't
mean it that way myself. It caused quite a stir, but most people figured
out what they meant before they released any further info from what I
could tell. I just made the same mistake they did :)

Bill Au wrote:
> SUN's initial release notes actually pretty much said that it was
> "unsupported unless you pay".  They had since revised the release notes to
> clear up the confusion.
> Bill
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ah, yes - thanks for the clarification. Didn't pay attention to how
>> ambiguously I was using "supported" there :)
>> Bill Au wrote:
>>> SUN has recently clarify the issue regarding "unsupported unless you pay"
>>> for the G1 garbage collector. Here is the updated release of Java 6
>> update
>>> 14:
>>> http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/6u14.html
>>> G1 will be part of Java 7, fully supported without pay.  The version
>>> included in Java 6 update 14 is a beta release.  Since it is beta, SUN
>> does
>>> not recommend using it unless you have a support contract because as with
>>> any beta software there will be bugs.  Non paying customers may very well
>>> have to wait for the official version in Java 7 for bug fixes.
>>> Here is more info on the G1 garbage collector:
>>> http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/hotspot/gc/g1_intro.jsp
>>> Bill
>>> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Mark Miller <markrmil...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Another option of course, if you're using a recent version of Java 6:
>>>> try out the beta-ish, unsupported unless you pay, G1 garbage collector.
>>>> I've only recently started playing with it, but its supposed to be much
>>>> better than CMS. Its supposedly got much better throughput, its much
>>>> better at dealing with fragmentation issues (CMS is actually pretty bad
>>>> with fragmentation come to find out), and overall its just supposed to
>>>> be a very nice leap ahead in GC. Havn't had a chance to play with it
>>>> much myself, but its supposed to be fantastic. A whole new approach to
>>>> generational collection for Sun, and much closer to the "real time" GC's
>>>> available from some other vendors.
>>>> Mark Miller wrote:
>>>>> siping liu wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I read pretty much all posts on this thread (before and after this
>> one).
>>>> Looks like the main suggestion from you and others is to keep max heap
>> size
>>>> (-Xmx) as small as possible (as long as you don't see OOM exception).
>> This
>>>> brings more questions than answers (for me at least. I'm new to Solr).
>>>>>> First, our environment and problem encountered: Solr1.4 (nightly
>> build,
>>>> downloaded about 2 months ago), Sun JDK1.6, Tomcat 5.5, running on
>>>> Solaris(multi-cpu/cores). The cache setting is from the default
>>>> solrconfig.xml (looks very small). At first we used minimum JAVA_OPTS
>> and
>>>> quickly run into the problem similar to the one orignal poster reported
>> --
>>>> long pause (seconds to minutes) under load test. jconsole showed that it
>>>> pauses on GC. So more JAVA_OPTS get added: "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
>>>> -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
>>>> -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=512m -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200", the
>> thinking
>>>> is with mutile-cpu/cores we can get over with GC as quickly as possibe.
>> With
>>>> the new setup, it works fine until Tomcat reaches heap size, then it
>> blocks
>>>> and takes minutes on "full GC" to get more space from "tenure
>> generation".
>>>> We tried different Xmx (from very small to large), no difference in long
>> GC
>>>> time. We never run into OOM.
>>>>> MaxGCPauseMillis doesnt work with UseConcMarkSweepGC - its for use with
>>>>> the Parallel collector. That also doesnt look like a good
>> survivorratio.
>>>>>> Questions:
>>>>>> * In general various cachings are good for performance, we have more
>> RAM
>>>> to use and want to use more caching to boost performance, isn't your
>>>> suggestion (of lowering heap limit) going against that?
>>>>> Leaving RAM for the FileSystem cache is also very important. But you
>>>>> should also have enough RAM for your Solr caches of course.
>>>>>> * Looks like Solr caching made its way into tenure-generation on heap,
>>>> that's good. But why they get GC'ed eventually?? I did a quick check of
>> Solr
>>>> code (Solr 1.3, not 1.4), and see a single instance of using
>> WeakReference.
>>>> Is that what is causing all this? This seems to suggest a design flaw in
>>>> Solr's memory management strategy (or just my ignorance about Solr?). I
>>>> mean, wouldn't this be the "right" way of doing it -- you allow user to
>>>> specify the cache size in solrconfig.xml, then user can set up heap
>> limit in
>>>> JAVA_OPTS accordingly, and no need to use WeakReference (BTW, why not
>>>> SoftReference)??
>>>>> Do you see concurrent mode failure when looking at your gc logs? ie:
>>>>> 174.445: [GC 174.446: [ParNew: 66408K->66408K(66416K), 0.0000618
>>>>> secs]174.446: [CMS (concurrent mode failure):
>> 161928K->162118K(175104K),
>>>>> 4.0975124 secs] 228336K->162118K(241520K)
>>>>> That means you have still getting major collections with CMS, and you
>>>>> don't want that. You might try kicking GC off earlier with something
>>>>> like: -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=50
>>>>>> * Right now I have a single Tomcat hosting Solr and other
>> applications.
>>>> I guess now it's better to have Solr on its own Tomcat, given that it's
>>>> tricky to adjust the java options.
>>>>>> thanks.
>>>>>>> From: wun...@wunderwood.org
>>>>>>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: Solr and Garbage Collection
>>>>>>> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:51:29 -0700
>>>>>>> 30ms is not better or worse than 1s until you look at the service
>>>>>>> requirements. For many applications, it is worth dedicating 10% of
>> your
>>>>>>> processing time to GC if that makes the worst-case pause short.
>>>>>>> On the other hand, my experience with the IBM JVM was that the
>> maximum
>>>> query
>>>>>>> rate was 2-3X better with the concurrent generational GC compared to
>>>> any of
>>>>>>> their other GC algorithms, so we got the best throughput along with
>> the
>>>>>>> shortest pauses.
>>>>>>> Solr garbage generation (for queries) seems to have two major
>>>> components:
>>>>>>> per-request garbage and cache evictions. With a generational
>> collector,
>>>>>>> these two are handled by separate parts of the collector. Per-request
>>>>>>> garbage should completely fit in the short-term heap (nursery), so
>> that
>>>> it
>>>>>>> can be collected rapidly and returned to use for further requests. If
>>>> the
>>>>>>> nursery is too small, the per-request allocations will be made in
>>>> tenured
>>>>>>> space and sit there until the next major GC. Cache evictions are
>> almost
>>>>>>> always in long-term storage (tenured space) because an LRU algorithm
>>>>>>> guarantees that the garbage will be old.
>>>>>>> Check the growth rate of tenured space (under constant load, of
>> course)
>>>>>>> while increasing the size of the nursery. That rate should drop when
>>>> the
>>>>>>> nursery gets big enough, then not drop much further as it is
>> increased
>>>> more.
>>>>>>> After that, reduce the size of tenured space until major GCs start
>>>> happening
>>>>>>> "too often" (a judgment call). A bigger tenured space means longer
>>>> major GCs
>>>>>>> and thus longer pauses, so you don't want it oversized by too much.
>>>>>>> Also check the hit rates of your caches. If the hit rate is low, say
>>>> 20% or
>>>>>>> less, make that cache much bigger or set it to zero. Either one will
>>>> reduce
>>>>>>> the number of cache evictions. If you have an HTTP cache in front of
>>>> Solr,
>>>>>>> zero may be the right choice, since the HTTP cache is cherry-picking
>>>> the
>>>>>>> easily cacheable requests.
>>>>>>> Note that a commit nearly doubles the memory required, because you
>> have
>>>> two
>>>>>>> live Searcher objects with all their caches. Make sure you have
>>>> headroom for
>>>>>>> a commit.
>>>>>>> If you want to test the tenured space usage, you must test with real
>>>> world
>>>>>>> queries. Those are the only way to get accurate cache eviction rates.
>>>>>>> wunder
>>>>>> _________________________________________________________________
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>>>> - Mark
>>>> http://www.lucidimagination.com
>> --
>> - Mark
>> http://www.lucidimagination.com

- Mark


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