On Sep 25, 2009, at 9:30 AM, Jonathan Ariel wrote:

Hi to all!
Lately my solr servers seem to stop responding once in a while. I'm using
solr 1.3.
Of course I'm having more traffic on the servers.
So I logged the Garbage Collection activity to check if it's because of that. It seems like 11% of the time the application runs, it is stopped
because of GC. And some times the GC takes up to 10 seconds!
Is is normal? My instances run on a 16GB RAM, Dual Quad Core Intel Xeon servers. My index is around 10GB and I'm giving to the instances 10GB of

How can I check which is the GC that it is being used? If I'm right JVM Ergonomics should use the Throughput GC, but I'm not 100% sure. Do you have
any recommendation on this?

As I said in Eteve's thread on JVM settings, some extra time spent on application design/debugging will save a whole lot of headache in Garbage Collection and trying to tune the gazillion different options available. Ask yourself: What is on the heap and does it need to be there? For instance, do you, if you have them, really need sortable ints? If your servers seem to come to a stop, I'm going to bet you have major collections going on. Major collections in a production system are very bad. They tend to happen right after commits in poorly tuned systems, but can also happen in other places if you let things build up due to really large heaps and/or things like really large cache settings. I would pull up jConsole and have a look at what is happening when the pauses occur. Is it a major collection? If so, then hook up a heap analyzer or a profiler and see what is on the heap around those times. Then have a look at your schema/config, etc. and see if there are things that are memory intensive (sorting, faceting, excessively large filter caches).

Grant Ingersoll

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