: I have a field. The field has a sentence. If the user types in a word
: or a phrase, how can I return the index of this word or the index of
: the first word of the phrase?
: I tried to use &bf=ord..., but it does not work as i expected.

for basic queries (term, phrase, etc...) position information is not 
available for the patched doucments ... you can use highlighting to 
re-compute where matches occured, but the accuracy of that information 
depends a lot on what your field type, query, and highligher options look 
like.  i don't believe we have any Highlighter options thta will just give 
you back the position information -- but one could be added.

for *true* positional matching info, there are the "Span" family of 
queries, which can actually return the exact information -- but there is 
no native query parser support for Spam queries in Solr, so you would need 
to customize your QParser to get that information.


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