I'm having a problem with figuring out how to search for things
that have spaces (just a single space character) in them.
For example, I have a field named "FileName" and it is of type string.
I've indexed a couple of documents, that have field FileName
equal to "File 10 10AM" and another that has FileName "File 11 11AM".
In my search query, I'm trying "Filename:(File 1*)" and I'd like to it
return both documents.  It return none.
If I search for "Filename:(File*)" I get both of them and everything else.
I've tried lots of different ways to form the query, but the only thing
that returns any documents is the "FileName:(File*)" form.  Anything
else with an actual space in it fails.
This has got to be another simple thing that I'm missing, but haven't
figured it out yet nor stumbled upon the correct search query.
Help please!  The above scenario is an example, but I am using
the string field type.

Dan A. Dickey | Senior Software Engineer

10900 Hampshire Ave. S., Bloomington, MN  55438
Office: 952.852.4803 | Fax: 952.852.4951
E-mail: dan.dic...@savvis.net

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